Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ryan's Zucchini Cakes

After a (too brief) visit home to see family and friends, I was rewarded (begged to take?) a couple of zucchini home with me.

Since I like them, but DH does not, I set out to find a recipe juuuust for me.

I settled on Ryan's Zucchini Cakes, from the Pioneer Woman's website.

These were pretty tasty, but I didn't have anything to dip them in (Ryan recommends ranch dressing). I think pasta sauce would have been tasty, as they definitely tasted "italian".

As much zucchini as you need to get rid of - shredded and squeezed of excess juice(I used 2 medium-sized zucchini)
1 tbsp minced garlic (I used the pre-minced stuff - LOVE. IT.)
1/2 - 3/4 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup italian blend cheese
1-2 eggs (depending on the consistency of the "batter")
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

- Toss your shredded and squeezed zucchini in a large bowl and throw in the garlic, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs (you can add more if you need to later), the italian cheese, 1 egg, and some salt and pepper
- Mix with a fork -- if your mixture isn't a wet batter, add another egg and mix some more
- Heat 1/4" of oil in a skillet
- When oil is hot, lower globs of the zucchini batter into the oil; press with a fork to make cakes
- Cook 2-3 minutes or until brown, then flip and brown the other side

- Serve warm with ranch dressing for dipping (or pasta sauce! I think it'd be tasty!)

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