Monday, April 20, 2009

Menu Mondays

DH (finally!) got a grill this weekend, so in honor of him and his excitement for grilling, I've incorporated several 'grill nights' into our menu this week.

Sunday: lemon coconut bread for my co-workers, bread for DH's lunches this week, and a strawberry cream dessert DH requested
Monday: steak (on the grill!), cauliflower with cheese sauce, rice pilaf
Tuesday: spaghetti with meat sauce, salad
Wednesday: spicy honey chicken (grill?), herbed baby red potatoes, green beans
Thursday: burgers (grill?), waffle fries, baked beans
Friday: finishing up the inevitable pile of leftovers from the week

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great week of meals and I'm jealous you can grill!
