Monday, February 2, 2009

Menu Mondays

Couple of items didn't get made last week, so this week has a few additions...

Saturday: "Shortcake" for some delicious Florida strawberries I picked up at the farmer's market, the last-week-referenced lemon dessert
Sunday: Homemade bread for DH's weekday lunches, stromboli for the superbowl (and dinner)
Monday: steak, steamed broccoli, pasta
Tuesday: chili with sweet corn and honey muffins
Wednesday: Last week's homeless count was postponed to this night. Pizza at the count with the other volunteers.
Thursday: Leftover chili and rice mixed with cheese and sour cream and wrapped up in a tortilla. Mmmm...
Friday: Spaghetti with meat sauce/ potentially eating out

1 comment:

  1. wait
    so I missed the steak and broccoli?


    when ya' coming over to cook for, err, with me?

